Less, More & None (2021)


  • allowing my task list to build up((Do, defer, delegate or delete.))
  • looking at my mobile phone when people are talking to me
  • reading doomscrolling the news((Once per day is more than enough))


  • exercise
  • reading((After reading 41 books in 2020, I want to challenge myself to read 50 in 2021.))
  • saving money
  • seeking opportunities for personal growth
  • writing


  • making excuses when it comes to exercise((I will get outside and run even if it is icy cold or teeming down with rain. And if I really can’t get outside to run then I will work out at home. There are no excuses. There is always enough time, enough ways to keep to fit, and enough tools (apps/videos/guides) to be able to exercise every day.))
  • skipping my ‘morning reading'((One of my daily rituals is to read from a selection of philosophical and theological texts. It helps focus my mind at the start of the day.))

Less, More and None (2020)

A shorter, more focussed list for 2020…


  • (cont.) spending time on ‘urgent but unimportant’ tasks
  • tinkering with apps and organisational tools (I need to pick a system and stick to it)
  • avoiding difficult / time-consuming tasks


  • trying new foods and recipes
  • rediscovering old music
  • visiting new places
  • mobility exercises and yoga
  • (cont.) writing


  • (cont.) looking at my mobile phone when people are talking to me (still trying to make this stick!)
  • saying yes to projects or ideas that will only have short-term or limited impact (aiming for a year of quality not quantity)