This module was concerned with the development of an extended research proposal for my dissertation. This is to include extensive reading around my chosen area of study, the development of a research question, timeline and research design and consideration of ethics.
I finally settled on the following research question:
To what extent can virtual courses support the development of independent learning beyond ‘real time’ curriculum delivery?
With the following subsidiary questions:
- Can virtual courses effectively develop skills/attributes, recognised as being absent in learners beginning undergraduate courses?
- Can virtual courses be entirely independent or is there a preference for face-to-face interaction between learner and educator?
- Model 1: A combination face-to-face interaction with the teacher alongside the virtual course. The teacher sets the pace of the learning and decides the learning path.
- Model 2: Virtual course only. Interaction is encouraged between learners with minimal text-based (electronic) interaction with the teacher (Email/Twitter). The learners set their own pace and decide their own path.
- Is there a relationship between results achieved and participants preferred model?
- Does either model result in any immediate impact on students’ learning at A-Level?
- Which of the two models is most effective in developing learner independence/interdependence?
The completed proposal, including an outline of the course, literature review and detailed research approach design can be read here: ER Assignment.
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