#edjournal: available to download – NOW!

I am pleased to announce that after a successful online launch of #edjournal, the PDF edition is now live and available to download. You can download it from the site or direct from here. An EPUB version is still in the works but the process is not as straight forward as I had assumed. However, I will persevere and make it available as soon as I can.

Over on the site, I have added the Disqus commenting system to article pages so that readers can add opinions and ideas. We really want to generate discussion around the articles that we publish, so if after reading you feel inspired, please leave a comment. You could ask a question of the author, offer further ideas or start a debate. In the process of doing this I learned how to create my own Google gadget.

There is also now an #edjournal Twitter account. Please follow us at @_edjournal to keep up to date.

Or you can subscribe to the site feed over on the homepage or by clicking here.

Nick and I hope that you enjoy reading #edjournal in its intended format. Comments, ideas, constructive criticism are welcome as usual!

Published by

James Michie

Husband, Educator, Writer, Runner...

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