Week Two

Originally published here.

This weeks #crit101 was definitely much tougher than last weeks as it included collaborating with others to conduct research on the best way to cook an egg. We had a google docs document shared between us and on that is where we carried out our discussions and our final conclusions. However, it was quite difficult to find a time where we were all on and researching, but we did manage in the end as we gave each other roles. I created the survey and retrieved the findings from there as well as looking on websites, Rosie looked in some cook books and Eleanor researched websites and articles.

From this, I learnt that the researching process isn't as simple as it seems as it's hard to find what you're actually looking for as there are such a wide variety of things that come up with no relevance to what you've searched. Moreover the primary research we got was easier to find, but it took longer as we had to wait for responses. However, the reading for this week really helped with the online research as one of the documents we were given to read had a lot of information and tips on how to research from a search engine. This also taught me short cuts and how to find what I was specifically looking for.

I personally think we were very successful in carrying out this assignment as although it was quite a long process we each got the work done to form the research that we needed and from that we could make valid judgements on the best way to cook an egg. A link to our finished project:

I think I was a good collaborator as even though at first for a few days I hadn't looked on the shared google document, when I had a look and started the discussion with my peers, I cracked on with my research, created the survey and posted it on twitter. As well as this, I got started on the introduction, methodology and findings in which Eleanor helped along the way and edited anything that may not have sounded right. Eleanor got started on the conclusion and I think we worked well together. Although, it's a shame Rosie did not help with the written assignment.

Week Two

Originally published here.

This weeks #crit101 was definitely much tougher than last weeks as it included collaborating with others to conduct research on the best way to cook an egg. We had a google docs document shared between us and on that is where we carried out our discussions and our final conclusions. However, it was quite difficult to find a time where we were all on and researching, but we did manage in the end as we gave each other roles. I created the survey and retrieved the findings from there as well as looking on websites, Rosie looked in some cook books and Eleanor researched websites and articles.

From this, I learnt that the researching process isn't as simple as it seems as it's hard to find what you're actually looking for as there are such a wide variety of things that come up with no relevance to what you've searched. Moreover the primary research we got was easier to find, but it took longer as we had to wait for responses. However, the reading for this week really helped with the online research as one of the documents we were given to read had a lot of information and tips on how to research from a search engine. This also taught me short cuts and how to find what I was specifically looking for.

I personally think we were very successful in carrying out this assignment as although it was quite a long process we each got the work done to form the research that we needed and from that we could make valid judgements on the best way to cook an egg. A link to our finished project:

I think I was a good collaborator as even though at first for a few days I hadn't looked on the shared google document, when I had a look and started the discussion with my peers, I cracked on with my research, created the survey and posted it on twitter. As well as this, I got started on the introduction, methodology and findings in which Eleanor helped along the way and edited anything that may not have sounded right. Eleanor got started on the conclusion and I think we worked well together. Although, it's a shame Rosie did not help with the written assignment.

Why I want to participate In #Crit101

Originally published here.

I want participate in #crit101 as I see it as an opportunity to aquire new skills and would like to become a more independant learner. This is because at the moment I'm quite a dependant person, and often need help or reassurance that I am doing the task correctly. I also hope this will be beneficial to my self-motivation and hope that by the end of the six weeks, I will have a more determined attitude towards work and learning.

How do you define independent learning?
Originally I defined independent learning as working and learning on your own without depending on others for help and therefore learning on your own completely. I believed this as it seems to sound right that independent would mean on your own. However after reading this weeks articles and watching the videos I have now know that independent does not mean on your own but can also mean working with your peers and using each other to develop better ideas. 

Can you learn to become a more interdependent learner?
I personally think that you can learn to become a more in(ter)dependant learner as before reading this weeks article I assumed that motivation and self-determination came naturally and therefore if you didn't have it then it would be hard to stay focused. However the articles actually gave me a lot of motivation as I realised that it all depends on your attitude and thus if I now have more motivation after reading a few articles then I do believe that you can become a more independent learner. Although I think that it is important to have peers that can help you and who you can help as this is vital for becoming a more independent learner.

Why I want to participate In #Crit101

Originally published here.

I want participate in #crit101 as I see it as an opportunity to aquire new skills and would like to become a more independant learner. This is because at the moment I'm quite a dependant person, and often need help or reassurance that I am doing the task correctly. I also hope this will be beneficial to my self-motivation and hope that by the end of the six weeks, I will have a more determined attitude towards work and learning.

How do you define independent learning?
Originally I defined independent learning as working and learning on your own without depending on others for help and therefore learning on your own completely. I believed this as it seems to sound right that independent would mean on your own. However after reading this weeks articles and watching the videos I have now know that independent does not mean on your own but can also mean working with your peers and using each other to develop better ideas. 

Can you learn to become a more interdependent learner?
I personally think that you can learn to become a more in(ter)dependant learner as before reading this weeks article I assumed that motivation and self-determination came naturally and therefore if you didn't have it then it would be hard to stay focused. However the articles actually gave me a lot of motivation as I realised that it all depends on your attitude and thus if I now have more motivation after reading a few articles then I do believe that you can become a more independent learner. Although I think that it is important to have peers that can help you and who you can help as this is vital for becoming a more independent learner.