Assignment 3

Originally published here.

Week3’s assignment was a tricky one, as not only did we have to rely on our own knowledge, but we also had to rely on the persistence and knowledge of others. My original group did not go to plan as i ended up being the only person to have done any group, so being moved to a more enthralled group helped me a lot as i was able to give my opinion and share with them what i had found, although this did not seem to make a massive difference. 

The final essay was amazing, it had everything that was asked, a good findings section that was reliable and rich in data, a conclusion that showed a clear match to the findings produced, although it did seem to go off topic slightly, it still related largely to the findings. 

Being able to work as a team and produce an essay between us has been a new experience for me and i feel that my skills have strengthened and i have learnt things that i didnt necessarily know before, it has given me the opportunity to combine my knowledge and research with that of others which i feel has helped me a lot.

This week has really helped me to understand and realise how much research does matter and how much it can help you to reach your final answer, without research it would be hard to ever really come to a clear conclusion and i feel that this week’s assignment has really shown me the value of research and working as a team.

Reaching the halfway point through the course, i feel that the new skills and knowledge that i have has helped me to improve my way of learning, whether that be with essay writing techniques, structure or even to help me with revision. I feel like in the last 3/4 weeks, i have improved my learning and developed into a more organised and hardworking individual.