Critical Skills – Week 3

Originally published here.

Week 3 - Research Evaluation

The research carried out to determine "the best way to cook an egg" proved an interesting as well as ambiguous task. The way in which this carried out through primary and secondary methods to allow for cross-referencing and triangulation to reach valid and reliable conclusions. However, due to the several factors that decide the preferable form of egg, the implications of what the original question entails had to be re-visited and redefined. In this, the ethical, health, price and convenience.

From the way in research was carried out, reliability was fairly high as primary research was aimed at small but diverse population to gain as fair a representation of people as realistically achievable with the time frame and resources available. In addition, the questions on the survey were structure to avoid bias or leading to ensure that answers were genuine to allow for a fair analysis and comparison. In addition, questions assessed all areas required to analyse the factors discussed in the early stages of the investigation while keeping the questions to a minimum so responses are short and easy to process as well as to maintain that attention of applicants for the survey. In addition, the responses from the survey showed correlations in views on preparation and consumption of eggs. Through triangulation of ideas from each method of research consolidate each other  which suggests a decent level of reliability. Despite this, it could be said that this investigation would be more reliable if the survey was carried out on a larger scale and/or if more secondary sources were utilised.

The validity of this research maintains a good standard as the report represents exactly what is claimed as it goes through the steps of the research with evidence and appropriately selected sources of secondary information. Although, the range of areas considered could reduce this as inferences were made to link ideas to reach conclusions which could suggests that the question was not very conclusively answered.