#crit101 – Week Four – Critical Review

What Came First

As one or two people have asked me questions about the this week’s task I thought I should post a little clarification. The task is to complete a critical review of your given article. There is no specific question. It requires you to read and analyse the article, formulating a critical opinion of the text. Before you begin this process please review the slides from Monday’s lecture and the reading material I have posted on week four page.

Your critical review should…

  • be between 750 – 1000 words
  • be written and submitted as a Google document
  • show evidence of critical analysis
  • offer an opinion on the article
  • adhere to the Harvard referencing system

This is *technically* an independent task. However, given the interdependent nature of the course, I have openly shared who has which article (slide 30) so that you can share and discuss your ideas with one another. Moreover, you can support each other in the writing process.

The three articles continue a theme that began with eggs and now turns its attention to chickens (see what I did there?). They represent three different types of writing; draw upon different types of sources and data; and pose varying challenges in terms of critical analysis.

If you have additional questions ask a fellow participant or send me a tweet.

Image cc. Kyle Bean

Published by

James Michie

Husband, Educator, Writer, Runner...

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