Reflecting on Research – Week 2 – Crit101

Originally published here.

This week we learned about research. It is an interesting and difficult topic. I enjoyed learning about triangulating data and reflecting on the difference between qualitative and quantitative data. I also was directed to the CRAAP Test for considering the value of researched data. I earmarked the CRAAP Test to use with my own students.

The assignment this week was tough. Research is challenging. I found that when I sat down and banged out my ideas and sited my sources, our research paper started coming together pretty well. The assignment did a great job of fleshing out the ideas and bringing them to life. I spent a good amount of thought on the value of my data, the qualitative or quantitative quality of it, and the validity of my sources.

I did not have any collaborators on the document which was disappointing. It would have been interesting to negotiate our struggles together.

There is still a bit of work to do on my research paper. I would like to follow through by adding the most valuable data set to it and the data which will allow me to finalize my conclusion. I will have to see if I can get the work done tomorrow. I am going to miss the deadline but I think that will be excused.


Reflection on Independent Learning – Week One – Crit101

Originally published here.

Independent learning is learning that is sought out by the learner.  It is defined by the motivation for learning.  My learning experience changed dramatically once I started paying for my own education.  I stopped seeing learning as a means to an end but as an end in itself.  I recognized its inherent value (perhaps because I was aware of its monetary value).  I began to recognize that newfound knowledge has value in itself.  I still believe that everything I learn, enriches my life.  When I am involved in a rich learning experience like participation in a conference or participation in a class, my enrichment is more focused and intense.  

Motivation seems to me the key to independent learning.  I am motivated by an intellectual curiosity. I regularly seek out independent learning opportunities.
I do not know if it is possible to teach someone to be self motivated.  I am not know if motivation is a skill or not.  I do think that curiosity can stimulated and if someone is curious or inquisitive, then they become intrinsically motivated.  My life changed when I visited Europe in high school.  When I realized how much broader the world was than I had assumed, I became curious about topics like art, geography, sociology, and history. I had not really even noticed these topics before.  I began to participate in classes to feed my curiosity rather than just try to get a good grade.  
Perhaps the motivation that drives independant learning can be stimulated through experience.  


Teacher as Learner

Originally published here.

I am taking a class...

Over the next several weeks, I am going to post my homework here on the site.  Classmates of mine will be leaving comments.  Readers of get to eaves-drop on my learning experience.  Let me explain what is going on:

I have enrolled in a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course).  Just as gaming has become interactive and open by nature (think MineCraft) and our socialization has become more open, so goes education.  Through the use of technology, I am able to participate in an international, critical thinking class in inter-dependent learning.  

I am very interested in the topic of inter-dependent learning.  The main idea is that we learn best when we learn through interation.  That is why students at Corning High have been engaging in group work so frequently lately.  A course on interaction seems perfect for online study. 

I consider myself a life-long learner.  Steady study keeps me interested and makes me a better teacher. I hope you start to consider yourself a life-long learner as well.  Opening my coursework on this site is meant to encourage me and to model to you.  

Although the course is meant for college students and college graduates, I hope that any student will feel free to participate by adding comments or speaking to me about how things are going.

I have to start working on my first homework assignments.  I will post again before Sunday when my first assignment is due.
