Validity and Reliability

Originally published here.

This week has posed a different yet refreshing task to the previous two weeks. It involved evaluating our recent research which helped me to develop skills which I already have and learn how to improve them.
It helped me to acknowledge my mistakes and learn how to improve my collaboration skills in order to be more productive and work more efficiently as a team.

To conduct effective research, you have to consider many different aspects such as both the validity and reliability of the data. You want both of these things to be of a high quality and so I learnt that a lot of things must be first discussed before carrying out the research. Brainstorming proves to be an especially important part of this process as it helps you to cover all aspects of the question in hand so nothing is missed out.

As the halfway point of the course is approached, I feel that the most important progress I have made is to be more attentive and focused when considering a project or a piece of reading. I have learnt there are many things you need to consider before jumping into something such as a collaborative project and in order for it to be completed successfully, you must be willing to make an effort and address the issues surrounding carrying out research.

However, I still feel there is a long way to go for me to truly become an active in(ter)dependent learner so I look forward to the following weeks and what the course has to offer.