Validity and Reliability #Crit101

Originally published here.

This week we had to publish a critique on last week’s assignment. This week’s reading helped me develop a further understanding of how to analyse the validity and reliability of questionnaires/surveys and secondary sources. It also helped me develop a more constructive way of searching the web for valuable secondary sources. This week’s reading has also built up my knowledge on how to conduct more effective research, these skills help with becoming an in(ter)dependent learner as when you are learning independently you have to rely on yourself to find information that is acceptable and reliable, developing these skills means that when you need to research information/sources in the future, you will know how to do so effectively. Being an in(ter)dependent learner also consists of making sure that the information you use is credible, part of this week’s assignment I learnt that it doesn’t just depend on what you research, it also depends on how you go about researching. It’s half way through the course and I believe I had made progress on becoming a more in(ter)dependent learner. I have made sure that I’ve spread out the work evenly throughout the week, instead of leaving it to last minute, this means my time efficiency has made progress and I’ve made progress on asking peers for help and opinions, which is a skill that I have developed along this course.

This week’s critique.