Synthesis and Evaluation #Crit101

Originally published here.

This week’s assignment was to create a video on the question ‘Chicken and/or Egg: Food of the People?’

We had to interpret the question in our own ways and create a video that showed how we interpreted the question.
Emma and I discussed what we were going to put into the video and what we were going to say in the video. I offered to edit the videos together and produce the final video. So, Emma sent me her video and I got inspiration on doing the same kind of video (the idea came from ICT).
At first, I was sepitical that I would fit everything in for around 2 minutes, but after putting everything together I found that it fit 2 minutes exactly! Which was a relief!
Creating and editing the video was fun and I got in touch with my technical skills.
This activity has contributed to my development as an in(ter)dependent learner as I interpreted the question in my own way, meaning it could go in many directions, but I chose how I thought it should go, which means I am gripping onto my independence skills.

I also made sure that I took on as much work as my peer did, so the work was equal and fair. I believe this is important in becoming an in(ter)dependent learner as you have to take responsibilities for your work and not leave it for only one person to do.

This week’s assignment was fun and I also got to get in touch with my ICT skills which was useful. 

This week’s video: