#crit101 – Week 5

Originally published here.

This week is a group activity - Make a collaborative video in a small group under the title: Chicken and/or Eggs – Food of the People?
You should draw upon your research and reading about about Chickens and Eggs.It should reflect the conclusions that you have drawn and synthesise those ideas.

I am determined to make an early start and consequently, when I received the information I set about collecting some images relating to the topic and placed them on Pinterest. I find that sometimes it is necessary to jump in with both feet and just start - procrastination isn't healthy when there are tight deadlines and the people on the team live on opposite sides of the world!
Back in the Google doc. Pascal left a message for us to contact him any time for collaboration. I sent a Twitter message to all of my team with a link to my Pinterest.
A couple more days passed and Pascal sent a Twitter asking us to decide on a meeting date and choose ether Google+ or Hangouts. Then I noticed he had set up a schedule of suggested times in Doodle. I responded and the meeting was scheduled for Google Hangouts - unfortunately for me the equivalent time in Melbourne was 5:00am (not a morning person).
Anyway, Pascal and I were the only ones who 'turned up', the meeting went ahead and we spent around one and a half hours discussing 'the project' and how we would approach it.  At the end of the meeting we agreed that I would have a look at the recorded session and see if there was anything useful for inclusion in our video. 
Due to the time restrictions,I felt it was worthwhile trying for a final product using what we had to date. I earmarked sections that I thought could be used - I had some of the tools required to edit and collate the material on my laptop. So I downloaded the video and converted it to the correct format using Real Player. I used Microsoft Movie Maker to create some 'connecting' slides and used Photoshop to make Jpegs of screen captures of the different documents/tools we used. 
All the components were combined to create the following: