Independent Learner #Crit101 Week 1.

Originally published here.

Why have I chosen to take part in #Crit101?

There are many reasons to why I have taken part in #Crit101, they are:

To help me be more independent as a student and a learner.

To help me practice and be more prepared for the future.

To help me develop my skills as a researcher.

To be able to discuss topics and different ideas among my peers.

And finally, to help me become more independent as a student and as a person.

What is an Independent Learner?

I believe an independent learner is someone who allows themselves to push boundaries and will be able to do what it takes to educate themselves and go the extra mile when needed. I think people who take on, or have the ability to be an independent learner have true potential. 

Being an independent learner however, does not mean you have to do it all alone. It doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help. (which I am going to need a lot of to get through this course) You can ask for other people’s opinion and views and incorporate them into your own work.

Being an independent learner does not mean you have to do everything alone; ask for people’s opinions, read other people’s work, you do not have to know everything. I definitely don’t. It doesn’t mean I won’t try.

I believe the most important thing about being an independent learner, is not to be the best, or to know everything, but to believe in what you’ve written, and what you believe is your best.