The first #crit101 Twitter discussion takes place this evening between 7:00PM and 8:00PM.
As previously discussed, sharing and discussing ideas encountered in the course is an important aspect of learning to become an in(ter)dependent learner. I hope that you will all be able to join in.
In this first discussion there will be an opportunity to ask any questions that you may still have about the course. Then we will turn our attention to the idea of learning to become a more independent learner. What did you make of the learner survey and reading materials from week one? Do you agree with everything you have read? Are there ideas or concepts that you disagree with or are unsure about? Tonight’s discussion is a chance to explore, test and debate.
Joining in with a discussion on Twitter for the first time, with multiple participants, can be a bit daunting.
First and foremost, remember to include the hashtag #crit101 in all of your tweets.
Secondly, prepare yourself. It is best participate using a computer or laptop rather than a mobile phone. You want to be able to see the stream of #crit101 tweets and be able to tweet/reply at the same time. There are a couple of ways to do this…
You could use the Twitter web interface. Search the hashtag and away you go. This has limitations, and works best if you have two windows open side by side. The first window includes the stream of #crit101 tweets. The second is your @ replies, so that you can see if anyone has tweeted you directly.
Alternatively, you could use TweetDeck. Available for both MAC OSX and Windows, TweetDeck is a Twitter client that works perfectly for following and participating in a discussion on Twitter as it allows you to have multiple columns, including your tweets, @ replies, DMs and hashtags you are following.
See you in the Twitterverse, very soon. 🙂